Apr 25, 2010

Hello again everyone!!!

In this post I would like to share some generalities about my project.
The Use of Blogs to Help Intermediate Students Improve Their Formal Letter Writing Skill 
This action-research project was carried out with 11 English intermediate students, majoring different careers. The project, which lasted six lessons plus independent work, aimed to help to improve formal letter writing skill by using blogs. Students created blogs, posted and self-corrected their products and filled in a reflection log. Qualitative and quantitative data were gathered and trend analysis was implemented to evidence that it is possible to improve this skill by increasing motivation for writing through the use of blogs, developing an autonomous learning behavior and self-correction routines. This research proved helpful for English as a foreign language (EFL) contexts and opens doors for further research about Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroom.
Key words: writing skill, formal letter writing, teaching with ICT, blogs to teach writing.
Please find below the table of contents.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction...8
Statement of the problem... 8
Research question... 9
Research objectives… 9
Rationale... 9
CHAPTER 2: Theoretical framework... 13
                        Writing skill...13
                        Formal letter writing...16
                        Teaching writing with ICT…20
                        Use of blogs to teach writing…23
CHAPTER 3: Research design...27
                        Type of study…27
                        Researcher’s role…30
                        Data collection instruments…33
                        Data collection procedures...36
CHAPTER 4: Pedagogical intervention and implementation…41
CHAPTER 5 Data analysis and findings…45
ACR question # 1: What did I do?...45
ACR question # 2: What changes occurred regarding the achievement targets?...56
ACR question # 3: What was the relationship between actions taken and any changes in performance on the targets?...76
            Pedagogical implications…83
            Further research...85
Appendix A: Letter of consent...92
Appendix B: Diagnostic survey…93
            Appendix C: Pre-test...94
Appendix D: Formal letter writing rubric...95
Appendix E: List of conventions...96
Appendix F: Letter of consent…97
Appendix G: Students’ reflection log...98
Appendix H: Teacher’s reflection log...99
Appendix I: Sample of student’s works...100
Appendix J: Final survey...107
Appendix K: Post-test…108
Appendix L: Lesson plan sample…109
If you would like to check any specific part, please feel free to contact me at agudelo.adriana@gmail.com

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